General Questions

What is your return policy?

If you are not happy with our product, we offer a no questions asked refund policy. However, we recommend 2-3 weeks of daily consumption for maximum health benefits.

Please review our return policy here, or send us an email at

Where is your honey sourced?

Our honey is made in the United States. All of our products are sourced in the US.

Where are your mushrooms sourced?

Our mushrooms are sourced in the United States via a 3-step extraction process. Click here to find out more.

Are your products safe to be consumed by children?

There is currently not enough information available to safely conclude whether a mushroom supplement is safe for use by children. Please consult your primary physician for further assistance. Thank you for your understanding.

If I am allergic to mushrooms, can I consume this product?

If you are allergic to mushrooms, you should NOT consume this product or any other product containing mushrooms. For further guidance, please consult your primary physician. Thank you.

If I am pregnant, can I consume this product?

There is currently not enough information available to safely conclude whether a mushroom supplement is safe for use by pregnant individuals. Please consult your primary physician for further assistance. Thank you for your understanding.

Can I consume this product while on medication?

We would redirect this question to your primary physician. Thank you for understanding.

Do you ship internationally?

No, we currently only offer shipping inside of the US only. Free Shipping is offered on all orders.

Are these mushrooms legal?

Yes! These mushrooms are non-psychoactive. This means that they are edible and safe for consumption.

Mushroom Honey Questions

Are these fruiting body mushrooms?

Yes, our mushrooms are 100% fruiting body mushrooms ensuring the highest quality components.

How do I take this supplement?

Each serving is 1 Tbsp. Consume once a day in a method of your choosing (i.e, tea, coffee, protein shake, smoothie) for at least 2-3 weeks in order to notice results.

Why did you mix honey and mushrooms?

If you've tasted mushrooms in its purest form, you'll noticed it has quite a bitter taste. We wanted to find a new way of consuming mushrooms while also adding natural components for extra benefits.

Why choose Nektar Vigor over any alternative?

This mixture allows for a variety of different consumption methods. Not only is it incredibly tasty on its own, it makes for a perfect ingredient in several different recipes. Place it in tea, coffee, smoothies and much more.

Is your honey raw?

Yes! We do NOT exceed temperatures that kill off natural enzymes.

What is the white foam on top of the honey?

Honey foam is a white layer made up of microscopic bits of bee wax that sits on top of the honey. It demonstrates the purity and integrity of our raw, unfiltered honey.

Why does your label say there is alcohol?

Alcohol is used to extract the alcohol soluble compounds in order to make them bioavailable for our consumers. Without this step in the extraction process, you would only consume the water-soluble compounds.

It contains a very small trace quantity of alcohol with no intoxicating effects. For more information about our extraction method, please visit our home page.